viernes, 24 de noviembre de 2023

Test Practice

 Hello, I found the activity difficult, but I think I understood what it said, my level of English has improved over the years, I don't think it is the most optimal, but I understand what people say, for example, when I watch a movie on I understand English more. This must be the last post. Thanks for being there. Bye. 

domingo, 12 de noviembre de 2023

A Chilean Landmark

 Hello, today I am going to talk to you about a building that I really like in Chile, the CEPAL building, this is the United Nations Building in Chile, it was built in 1966 by the Chilean architect Emilio Duhart, who also built the airport of Santiago and the university city of Concepción. All his works are modern in style, with influences from Le Corbusier. The building is located in Santiago de Chile in the commune of Vitacura. I visited with some friends on the occasion of Heritage Day, when public buildings are opened to be visited.

One of the things that I really like about the building is its modern style, since they are volumes with very simple geometries of reinforced concrete, it is also surrounded by nature and a reflecting pool. Its horizontality stands out. Inside, I really like the meeting room, which is made of wood and the windows of different sizes.

I would really like to visit the University City of Concepción, which has the same style, but is much larger and has more emblematic buildings like this one.

viernes, 3 de noviembre de 2023

A Little Bit of Chile

Hello, today I am going to talk to you about places; one of the places i like the most in Chile is Valpraiso.

 Valparaíso is a port located in the central area of Chile, it is internationally recognized for its typical architecture, it was recognized by UNESCO as a world heritage site. Valparaíso is recognized for its particular architecture, a mix of English and Chilean architecture.

We went with my family, my dad, my mom and my brother when I was 15 years old, we had a great time, what we liked most, apart from its architecture, was the variety of food we could eat.We went by car, since it is very close to Santiago, we stayed for a week and visited museums and typical places, we have been many times since then, but it is always good to go.

One of my favorite places was the Baburizza Palace, it is located on Cerro Alegre, this is currently a Museum, but it was built in 1916 for a rich family from Valparaíso. The art collection of Chilean painting is of great quality, especially the works of Juan Francisco González, you can see many of his works such as Los Nogales, which has many colors.

Test Practice

 Hello, I found the activity difficult, but I think I understood what it said, my level of English has improved over the years, I don't ...