miércoles, 26 de abril de 2023

A Page on Social Media

I frequently visit Letterboxd, this is a social network  and app about films all times, have 6,5 million memebers ,  the people make list of films and commnet about films, is posible to rank the films, rate each film whit five star   and know what is the most popular films of season. 
I discovered Letterboxd in the last year , when i was bored, I think that all people discovered social media same. 
I like this social media because i can know new films and visit this page everyday. 

i have a profile  in letterboxd, i watched 1904 films until today and 41 this year, but i think that i watched more films bored. 
My four  favorite films:
1° Takilleitor (1998) a freak story about Luis Dimas a  singer abducted by aliens. 
2° Goodfellas (1990) The true history about gangsters of Martin Scorsese, starring Robert De Niro, Ray Liotta, Joe Pesci, Lorraine Bracco and Paul Sorvino
3°Groundhog Day (1993) Bill Murray is a condemned to live the same day for 1000 years. 
4°The Man Who Knew Too Much (1956) the classic film of Alfred Hitchcock, this is a remake of films 1934, whit spy and signing and  James Stewart and Doris Day.

follow me  in letterboxd : https://letterboxd.com/pablopdl/

miércoles, 19 de abril de 2023

A Holiday as a Child


When I was 12 years old we went on vacation with my family, my father, my mother and my brothers to Mar del Plata, Argentina, I remember that I went to the beach and we saw many theaters. We stayed in a hotel that had a pool, but we also went to the beach and there was a lot of noise at night. We also ate a lot of empanadas, dulce de leche, milanesas and facturitas. But I especially remember the time we went to a candy store and I chose some chocolates, I think it's the sweetest thing I've ever eaten.

Mar del Plata is a city in Argentina, located in the Atlantic Sea, very close to the City of Buenos Aires, during the summer it is full of tourists, while Buenos Aires is faster with many cars and more tourist places such as the Obelisco, the Corrientes Street, the Boca and River Plate stadiums, la Casa Rosada etc. But I like Mar del Plata more, everything is calmer, you can see beautiful landscapes, beaches and the port, which is not very pretty. During the nights there is a lot of noise and you cannot sleep, but the beach is much quieter although there are many people and it is difficult to walk and get to the water.

miércoles, 12 de abril de 2023

A Photograph

The photograph was shot in 1955 by Dennis Stock (1928-2010) for Life magazine . The photograph show James Dean walk in the Time square in new York, USA.  James Dean , he was a very famous  for films East of Eden (1955)  directed by Elia Kazan, and Rebel Without Cause (1955) by Nicholas Ray. James Dean dead whit 27 years, buth he convert in the symbol of american rebel.  After in 2015  make a films abouth journey the photographer  and  the actor, whit james Franco and Dane DeHaan

James Dean walking in the Time square is the most iconic photograph of the history, show the great star of Hollywood , buth the little person in the great city, show loneliness of the society modern and the  compositive is the beautiful. 

The second photograph also is the Dennis Stock for Life, buth show James Dean on the farm of his uncle, the content is very different a other photograph. I like this photograph  beacuse is most autenthic, James dean grew up in the farm far the Hollywood.

miércoles, 5 de abril de 2023

A Hobby

I'm going to tell you about my hobby. My hobby is drawing; When I was 4 years old I started to draw, I drew only with a bic blue pencil, but later I tried another pencil and watercolor, watercolor is very easy, because you make mistakes, you put more water on it. To draw I need paper, pencil, brush, water and color. The hardest part of my hobby is knowing what to draw, sometimes I don't know what to draw. I draw very often, because studying architecture requires drawing buildings and spaces. I enjoy my hobby because I can express my idea, drawing is a way through which I think with my hand.

This is a drawing from the movie The Hidden Fortress by Akira Kurosawa, sometimes I like to draw movie scenes, light and darkness are very important to Kurosawa.

Test Practice

 Hello, I found the activity difficult, but I think I understood what it said, my level of English has improved over the years, I don't ...