viernes, 13 de octubre de 2023


Hello, now I'm going to talk to you about the language.

I started speaking English at school when I was 12 because it is mandatory at school. It was very difficult for me to learn English, I think I read better than I speak. But I have tried to speak another language, Italian, but I can only say phrases from Italian movies, like “vendetta” or phrases that Marcello Mastroianni said in Fellini's 8 ½ like “Perché non sa voler bene.”

 Outside of class I practice watching movies in English and listening to music in English. Most of the movies I watch are in English and I watch them with subtitles; and on the radio they always play music in English.

In English class I enjoy the activities where I can talk to others, it seems like an easier way to learn English.

I think English is very useful for work, architectural modeling programs are always in English and structure books too.

I find English culture interesting, rock music and bands, because the best rock bands are English like The Rolling Stones, Queen and The Beatles. I'm also interested in Hollywood movies, both old and new.

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Test Practice

 Hello, I found the activity difficult, but I think I understood what it said, my level of English has improved over the years, I don't ...